Early Morning Training Session/Competition Nutrition
This lesson addresses unique nutritional needs faced by athletes in early morning training sessions.
Immediate Postgame Nutrition Recovery
A strategic approach to carbohydrate and protein intake during and after exercise is essential for optimal performance and recovery.
Pregame & Competition Nutrition
Lesson Overview: Pregame & In-Competition Nutrition This lesson explores the concept of nutrient timing and its importance for high-level...
How Carbs Fuel Athlete Performance
This lesson debunks the misconception that protein is the primary fuel source during exercise and emphasizes the importance of carbohydrates
Introduction to Sports Nutrition & Energy Balance
This lesson lays the groundwork for understanding proper nutrition for sports performance
Jet Lag & Travel Strategies for Athletes
Understand how travel can be optimized for performance and recovery in athletes.
Naps and Sleep Banking for Athletes
Understand how sleep can be optimized for performance and recovery in athletes.
Creating an Athlete Sleep Plan
Understand the concept of sleep hygiene and practical strategies athletes can implement to improve their sleep quality and quantity.
Evaluating an Athlete's Sleep
how to assess sleep quality and quantity in athletes. It emphasizes the importance of both aspects for optimal performance and recovery.
Why Young Athletes Need Sleep
This lecture discusses the importance of sleep for athletic performance.
How Sleep Affects Performance
This video highlights both the negative consequences of poor sleep and the positive benefits of quality sleep.